Position typeTitleDuration (months)Contact
City, countryDeadline for submitting (day/month/year)Job description
Master M2 in academiaDevelopment of ATF3 inhibitors to restore antitumor immune surveillance6Dr Baptiste LegrandLaboratoire IBMM (Institut des Biomolécules Max Mousseron) UMR 5247Montpellier, France30/09/2024
Lab technician in academiaChemical synthesis of snake peptides and their pharmacological characterization.18Dr Nicolas GillesCEA - Département Médicament et Technologies pour la Santé Service d'Ingénierie pour la santéGif-sur-Yvette, France01/10/2024
PhD position in academiaPhD in synthetic organic chemistry and protein chemistry36Dr Oleg MelnykCenter for Infection & Immunity of Lille (CIIL), Inserm U1019, CNRS UMR9017, Université de Lille,
Institut Pasteur de Lille
Lille, France30/10/2024
PhD position in academiaSynthetic protein chemistry applied to TIP60 coregulator of gene transcription36Pr Vladimir TorbeevBiotechnology and Cellular Signalling (BSC) UMR 7242Strasbourg, France31/10/2024
Postdoc in academiaCombining Fluorescence Microscopy and Solid-State NMR to study the effect of antimicrobial peptides on living bacteria24Dr Céline LandonCentre de Biophysique Moléculaire (CBM) CNRS UPR4301Orléans, France01/11/2024
Master M2 in academiaCharacterizing the fibrillation of amyloid proteins, both in vitro and in cellulo6Dr. Marion Mathelié-GuinletInstitut of Chemistry and Biology of Membranes and Nano-Objects (CBMN) UMR 5248Bordeaux, France03/11/2024
Postdoc in academiaUnderstanding the effects of the peptide toxine candidalysine on host cell membranes at the molecular scale12Dr. Sofiane El-Kirat-ChatelInstitut of Chemistry and Biology of Membranes and Nano-Objects (CBMN) UMR 5248Bordeaux, France29/11/2024
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