Time to the meeting

The 2nd edition of the “Noncanonical amino acids (ncAAs): Tools for Biological and Biophysical Investigations” meeting will be held on October 14th and 15th, 2024 in Paris. The conference is jointly organized by Sorbonne Université and CY Cergy-Paris Université and the GFPP (Groupe Français des Peptides et Protéines – French Peptides Society) will partner with this event.

This event will be held in Campus des Cordeliers (15 rue de l’Ecole de Médecine, Paris 6e). It will bring together up to 150 participants, chemists and biologists from public and private sectors. The scientific program will span the interface between chemistry and biology, with the participation of prestigious international speakers.
A considerable part of the congress program will be dedicated to communications presented by young scientists: about 15 oral presentations will be selected from submitted abstracts, and ample space will be available for poster communications. The proceedings of the congress will be published in the form of an abstract book, and partners who agree to sponsor this congress will be acknowledged upfront in this book, as well as on the ncAA website.

All participants will have to register online. For any enquiry, please contact us:


Meeting venue
Meeting program
Invited speakers
Abstract submission & guidelines

Dead lines:

September 8th for posters & oral communications


Dead line: Septembre 15th


Looking forward to seeing you in Paris!

The organizing committee

Topics covered by the meeting:
• Cell Free Expression
• Amber codon
• Noncanonical amino acid synthesis
• Expanded genetic code
• Auxotrophic strains
• Protein labeling
• tRNA synthetase engineering
• Single molecule imaging
• Photo-crosslinking

Organizing committee:
Dr Grégory CHAUME (CY Cergy Paris Université, FRANCE)
Dr Maud LARREGOLA (CY Cergy Paris Université, FRANCE)
Prof Olivier LEQUIN (Sorbonne Université, FRANCE)
Dr Emeric MICLET (Sorbonne Université, FRANCE)
Dr Pierre MILBEO (CY Cergy Paris Université, FRANCE)
Dr Chiara ZANATO (CY Cergy Paris Université, FRANCE)

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