GFPP24 program

GFPP24 program

Updated October 18, 2024

GFPP24 abstract submission form

GFPP24 abstract submission form

Guidelines for oral presentations

The official language of the meeting is English.

The recommended presentation is in 16:9 format (allowed file extensions: .ppt, .pptx, .odp, .pdf)

Possibility to use your own laptop via an HDMI port or a local computer via a USB stick.

Guidelines for oral presentations

The posters should be in A0 format in portrait orientation (no landscape).

Note: After submitting your abstract, you will receive a confirmation by email. For any question contact us at:  

    GFPP24 abstract submission and guidelines

    Abstract submission & guidelines


    Important deadlines:

     31st January 2025: Closing of the oral communication submission


    28th February 2025: Closing of the poster communication submission

    Abstract submission

    Please, use the following template to prepare your abstract:

    Template for abstracts GFPP24

    Please name the file as follows: GFPP24_Abstract_YourName

    Clicking on the button will redirect you to the abstract submission form

    GFPP24 bursaries


    Grants covering the costs of registration and accommodation at the GFPP24 – ItPS5 meeting are awarded to PhD students or post-docs presenting an oral communication or a poster.


    Around 20 scholarships will be awarded by the French-Italian scientific committee.

    To be considered for a GFPP24 grant, you must register, fill in the bursary request option in the registration form and submit your abstract for Oral Communication or Poster before 31st of January 2025.


    The results will be communicated by email. In case of a negative response, the registration and accommodation fees will be due by order form (only for French academic laboratories) or bank transfer.


    GFPP24 meeting scope


    Meeting Scope

    On behalf of the Executive Board of the French Group of Peptides and Proteins (GFPP) and the Italian Peptide Society (ItPS), we have the great pleasure to inform you that the “GFPP24 and ItPS5 Joint Meeting on Peptides and Protein” organized by the French and Italian Peptide and Protein Societies will be held  from June, 22nd to 26th 2025.

    This event will take place in at the heart of the Vanoise massif, in the Savoie department in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region in the southeastern of France. The “Paul Langevin” CNRS center will welcome you for a meeting bringing together 200 participants of chemists and biologists from public and private sectors. The scientific program will span the interface between chemistry and biology, with the participation of prestigious international speakers, with an opening and a closing conferences provided by two keynote representatives of the two respective societies.


    The scientific program will cover a wide panel of topics in the field of peptides and proteins:

    • Peptides of natural origin
    • Foldamers
    • Non-natural amino acids/peptidomimetics
    • Metallopeptides/metalloenzymes/bioinspired catalysis
    • Non-canonical amino acids
    • Probes and fluorescent probes for imaging
    • Structural biology
    • Drug discovery
    • Cell penetrating peptides
    • Antimicrobial peptides
    • Biomaterails
    • Vectorization
    • Methodology of synthesis
    • Chemical biology / bioconjugation
    • Self-assembly / supramolecular edifices

    GFPP24 venue


    You will be welcomed in Aussois in Savoie, a small mountain village, guaranteeing an exceptional living environment and place to stay.

    Dominated by the Dent Parrachée, one of the highest peaks in Vanoise, Aussois is located on a vast sunny plateau at an altitude of 1500 m, offering a magnificent panorama of the surrounding massifs and easy and direct access to the Vanoise park in summer.

    It is in this enchanting setting that the Paul Langevin center is located, a village of conferences, belonging to the CAES of the CNRS.

    By train: Modane train station (8 km from Aussois); Bus station (Gare routière autocars Transdev,

    Bus transfers will be set up to reach the congress site from Modane railway station on June, Sunday 22nd and Thursday 26th. Please note that only one bus shuttle will be organized. The time and place will be communicated in due course.

    By car: Chambéry, then la vallée de la Maurienne, high-speed way A43 until Modane (Le Freney) at 11 km far from Aussois.

    For your GPS: Latitude: 45° 23′ 28.1″ N, Longitude: 6° 74′ 37.2″ E

    The Centre Paul Langevin conference center

    The Paul Langevin conference center
    The conference room

    Views from the conference center

    Aussois village

    GFPP24 sponsors


    The successful organization of such a scientific event can only be achieved with the support of institutional and industrial partners. The GFPP and ItPS boards would be much honored if industrials, companies and institutions would like to take part as a partner to this outstanding congress.

    It would be appreciated if industrials, companies and institutions could participate actively at their convenience through additional actions that will make them even more present in this exciting meeting. If your company cannot be represented at the meeting, there is still the opportunity to enclose promotional material into participant packages.

    For any enquiry, please contact us on

    Invited speakers 24th GFPP

    Keynote speakers

    The titles of the interventions will be uploaded soon. Stay tuned.

    Florine CAVELIER Université Montpellier II France
    Anna Maria PAPINI Università di Firenze Italy


    Invited speakers

    Vincent AUCAGNE Centre de Biophysique Moléculaire, CNRS, Orléans France
    Raphaël GUEROIS I2Bc Paris France
    Aphrodite KAPURNIOTU TUM Munich Germany
    Giuseppe PAPPALARDO Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia Italy
    Luisa RONGA IPREM-Pau France
    Lorenzo STELLA Università di Roma Tor Vergata Italy
    Aurélie TASIEMSKI Université de Lille France
    Meritxell TEIXIDO IRB Barcelona Spain
    Claudia TOMASINI Università di Bologna Italy
    Helma WENNEMERS ETH Zurich Switzerland


    Note: We thank Flaticon for images.

    Organizing committees 24th GFPP

    Organizing committee

    Local Organizing Committee

    Isabelle Ségalas-Milazzo, conference chair
    UMR CNRS 6014 – COBRA, Bâtiment IRCOF
    Université de Rouen, 1, rue Tesnière, 76 821 Mont-Saint-Aignan



    Nicolo Tonali

    Centre de Saclay – 91190 Gif sur Yvette, France


    Scientific committees

    GFPP board members


    The Italian Peptide Society board members

    WEB team

    Oleg Melnyk, Webmaster

    Centre d’Infection et d’immunité de Lille (CIIL, INSERM U1019 – CNRS UMR9017) – Lille

    Loïc Stefan

    Laboratoire de Chimie-Physique Macromoléculaire (LCPM, UMR 7375) – Nancy

    François Hallé

    UMR 5246 ICBMS
    Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1- Faculté de Pharmacie-Lyon



    Registration to GFPP24

    Registrations to the 24th GFPP are now open
    Key Dates :

    21st October 2024 :

    • opening of registration
    31st January 2025 deadline for :
      • oral communications submission

    28th February 2025 deadline for

      • early bird fee for registration 
      • poster communication submission

    fees includes :

      • Access to all scientific sessions
      • Abstract book
      • Full board accommodation (overnight stay, breakfast, lunch, dinner, coffee breaks)
      • Welcome reception and gala dinner at the Paul Langevin CNRS Center
      • Excursions

    Different types of activities/excursions will be proposed on Tuesday afternoon. The program will be uploaded soon.

    Please note that your registration will be effective upon receipt of your order form.

    Be aware that due to the reception capacity of the CNRS Paul Langevin Center, the number of participants is limited to 200 people.  

    Registration Type for academic labs
    Early Bird Registration Fee in twin-room
    Until 28th February 2025
    Early Bird Registration Fee in single room
    Until 28th February 2025
    Late Registration Fee in twin-room
    Late Registration Fee in a single room
    Student/ Post-doctoral fellow
    390 € (a)
    490 € (a)
    Academic delegate
    590 € (b)
    740 € (c)
    690 € (b)
    840 € (c)

    (a) The mentioned fees apply for a twin room – the bathroom will be shared in the respect of sanitary rules
    (b) The mentioned fees apply for a twin room – the bathroom will be shared in the respect of sanitary rules
    (c) The mentioned fees apply for private room including a private bathroom

    Registration Type for Private Company Delegate ONLY
    Registration Fee
    Twin room (b)
    820 €
    Single room (c)
    970 €
    Congress registration only
    660 €

    (b) The mentioned fees apply for a two-bedroom apartment with two single-bedrooms the bathroom will be shared in the respect of sanitary rules
    (c) The mentioned fees apply for private apartment including a private bathroom 

    Chemistry of amino acids, peptides and proteins

    Team LeaderLabLocationMain KeywordSecond KeywordWebsiteGFPP membership
    Dr Oleg MelnykMiniproteins & Therapeutics Team (MINT team)
    CNRS UMR9017 & Inserm U1019
    LilleChemistry of amino acids, peptides, and proteinsPeptide therapeutics and clinical applications
    March 13, 2024
    Dr Frederic BIHELTeam "Chemogenomic & Medicinal Chemistry"
    d'Innovation Thérapeutique
    UMR 7200
    IllkirchPeptide therapeutics and clinical applicationsChemistry of amino acids, peptides, and proteinsApril 14, 2024

    GFPP teams, by research themes

    If you want your team to be considered as a GFPP team, just click on the button below to access the form for applying.


    Why apply to/Advantages of a GFPP membership:
    1/ access to a network of researchers and develop collaborations
    2/ identify expertise on peptide science, from synthesis to applications
    3/ share knowlegde and know-how
    4/ find experts to take on new challenges
    5/ gain recognition and visibility for our skills and expertise

    Interactive table for finding GFPP teams by research themes

    Chemistry of amino acids, peptides and proteins

    Peptide natural products

    Peptide biology


    Structural studies of peptides & self-assemblies

    Emerging peptide-based technologies

    Peptide therapeutics & clinical applications

    Peptide mimetics, peptoids and peptide nucleic acids

    Peptide conjugates (sugar, lipid, nucleic acid, drug)

    Peptide prodrugs

    Peptide targeting & delivery

    Proteomics and peptide bioinformatics

    Peptide materials

    Peptide computational studies & artificial intelligence

    Peptides & green approaches

    GFPP teams. Interactive map & table


    GFPP teams

    If you want your team to be considered as a GFPP team, just click on the button below to access the form and apply.


    Why apply to/Advantages of a GFPP membership:
    1/ access to a network of researchers and develop collaborations
    2/ identify expertise on peptide science, from synthesis to applications
    3/ share knowlegde and know-how
    4/ find experts to take on new challenges
    5/ gain recognition and visibility for our skills and expertise

    Clicking on a specific region of the map will display all GFPP teams located in that area below the map.

    GFPP teams, by location

    (might not work on smart phones, please use an office computer)

    ncAAs 2024 Invited Speakers

    Invited Speakers

    Prof Jason CHIN

    Reprogramming the Genetic Code

    MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, UK


    Jason Chin is a Programme Leader at the Medical Research Council Laboratory of Molecular Biology (MRCLMB), where he is also Head of the Centre for Chemical & Synthetic Biology (CCSB). He is a Professor of Chemistry & Chemical Biology at the University of Cambridge, and holds a joint appointment at the University of Cambridge Department of Chemistry. He is also a fellow in Natural Sciences at Trinity College, Cambridge.

    Jason is a native of the UK. He was an undergraduate at Oxford University, where he worked with Professor John Sutherland on Cephalosporin biosynthesis. He obtained his PhD as a Fulbright awardee from Yale University, working with Professor Alanna Schepartz. He was a Damon Runyon Fellow at The Scripps Research Institute with Professor Peter Schultz where he developed the first approaches to systematically expand the genetic code of eukaryotic cells and pioneered approaches, that are now widely used, for defining protein interactions by genetically encoding photocrosslinking amino acids.

    Jason’s work has been recognized by a number of awards, including: the Francis Crick Prize (Royal Society), the Corday Morgan Prize (Royal Society of Chemistry), European Molecular Biology Organization’s (EMBO) Gold Medal, Louis-Jeantet Young Investigator Career Award, Sackler International Prize in the Physical Science. He is in the European Inventors Hall of Fame, a member of EMBO, a Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences, and a Fellow of The Royal Society. Jason’s early work provided a foundation for Ambrx and he is the founder and CSO of Constructive Bio. He is also a non-executive director at the UK Government’s Department of Science, Innovation and Technology.

    Prof Benjamin DAVIS

    Sugars and Proteins

    University of Oxford, UK


    Ben Davis got his B.A. (1993) and D.Phil. (1996) from the University of Oxford. During this time he learnt the beauty of carbohydrate chemistry under the supervision of Professor George Fleet. He then spent two years as a postdoctoral fellow in the laboratory of Professor Bryan Jones at the University of Toronto, exploring protein chemistry and biocatalysis.

    In 1998 he returned to the U.K. to take up a lectureship at the University of Durham. In the autumn of 2001 he moved to the Dyson Perrins Laboratory, University of Oxford and received a fellowship at Pembroke College, Oxford. He was promoted to Full Professor in 2005.

    His group’s research centres on the chemical understanding and exploitation of biomolecular function (Synthetic Biology, Chemical Biology and Chemical Medicine), with an emphasis on carbohydrates and proteins. In particular, the group’s interests encompass synthesis and methodology; target biomolecule synthesis; inhibitor/probe/substrate design; biocatalysis; enzyme & biomolecule mechanism; biosynthetic pathway determination; protein engineering; drug delivery; molecular biology; structural biology; cell biology; glycobiology; molecular imaging and in vivo biology.

    Ben was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 2015, and the Academy of Medical Sciences in 2019. He is Science Director of the Next Generation Chemistry theme and became the Interim Director for the Franklin in November 2023.

    Dr Klara HLOUCHOVA

    Why these 20 amino acids and could life function with a different set?

    Charles University, Czech Republic


    Klara Hlouchova is assistant professor and group leader in the department of cell biology of Charles University in Prague. She graduated with a MSc degree in biochemistry in 2005 and then started her PhD research at the Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry (IOCB) in Prague under the guidance of Prof. Jan Konvalinka.

    She then moved to the University of Colorado Boulder, USA under the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences Postdoctoral Fellowship to pursuer her research on molecular evolution of enzymes and metabolic pathways in the laboratory of Prof. Shelley Copley.

    Since 2017, Klara has been developing her independent research at Charles University in Prague where she became assistant professor in 2019. Her research topics focus on the design and characterization of proteins/protein libraries from canonical/reduced/unnatural amino acids by methods of synthetic biology. Her research group is interested in various aspects of protein evolution ranging from astrobiology and origins of life to protein engineering and synthetic life.

    Prof Beate KOKSCH

    Construction and degradation of fluorinated biopolymers

    Freie Universität, Germany


    Prof. Dr. Beate Koksch studied chemistry at the Technical University Merseburg and University Leipzig in Germany, where she completed a PhD in biochemistry. Following a DFG postdoctoral research fellowship at The Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla, California, she started her independent career at University of Leipzig in 2000. In 2004, she assumed her position as Organic and Natural Product Chemistry Professor at the Freie Universität Berlin. Her research program at FU Berlin focuses on peptide and protein engineering with applications to current problems in biomedicine, biotechnology, and materials science. One key aspect that her research group has devoted its efforts to over the past 20 years is expanding the toolkit of building blocks to include fluorinated aliphatic amino acids to improve the pharmacokinetic and physicochemical profiles of peptide/protein-based drugs and materials, respectively. Advances in these areas rely on the combination of various scientific disciplines such as organic chemistry, biochemistry, molecular biology, biophysics, material sciences, analytics, and theory, and her group is collaborating with several groups at the Freie Universität Berlin, Max-Planck-Institutions and research goups nationally and internationally. Professor Koksch is a of the Max-Bergmann-Kreis for the Advancement of Peptide Chemistry, the GDCh division of Fluorine Chemists, elected board member of the European Peptide Society as well as serves as Editorial Advisory Board member of several scientific journals and. Professor Koksch had been  Director of the DFG Graduate Program “Fluorine as a Key Elements” that was running in Berlin from 2009-2018. She has received the 2021 ACS Award for Creativity in Fluorine Chemistry.

    Prof Norbert SEWALD

    Enzymatic Halogenation: Methodology for Late‐Stage Peptide Diversification and Protein Modification

    Bielefeld University, Germany

    Norbert Sewald is a professor of Organic, Bioorganic Chemistry, and Chemical Biology at Bielefeld University. He studied chemistry at the Technical University of Munich. In 1991, he obtained his Ph.D. thesis in Organic Chemistry with Prof. Burger. From 1991 to 1992, he worked as a postdoctoral researcher in the group of Prof. J. E. Baldwin at the Dyson Perrins Laboratory at Oxford University. In 1998, he obtained his habilitation at the University of Leipzig. Since 1999, he has been full professor at Bielefeld University.

    Prof. Sewald’s research group focuses on non-canonical amino acids and peptidomimetics in peptides and proteins. Special emphasis is placed on enzymatic halogenation, late-stage modification of peptides and peptidomimetics, and tumor targeting.

    ncAAs 2024 Venue

    ncAAs 2024 venue

    The ncAAs-2024 “Noncanonical amino acids (ncAAs): Tools for Biological and Biophysical Investigations” meeting will be held on October 14th and 15th, 2024 in Paris.

    This event will be held in Campus des Cordeliers (Sorbonne Université, 15 rue de l’Ecole de Médecine, Paris 6e) in the centre of Paris very close to the Latin Quarter situated on the left bank of the Seine.

    [iframe src=”!1m18!1m12!1m3!1d2207.6729558764127!2d2.339164880120165!3d48.85095642261929!2m3!1f0!2f0!3f0!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!3m3!1m2!1s0x47e671ddd2dc4a6b%3A0x167760abc9f0306!2s15%20Rue%20de%20l'%C3%89cole%20de%20M%C3%A9decine%2C%2075005%20Paris!5e0!3m2!1sfr!2sfr!4v1705420381600!5m2!1sfr!2sfr” width=”600″ height=”450″ style=”border:0;” allowfullscreen=”” loading=”lazy” referrerpolicy=”no-referrer-when-downgrade”]


    Paris is accessible by train or plane (Roissy Charles de Gaulle Airport, Orly Airport, Beauvais Airport).

    The Campus de Cordeliers is accessible by car and public transportation:

    Métro: Lines 4 or 10 (Odéon station)

    RER B : Saint-Michel or Luxembourg stations

    RER C : Saint-Michel station

    Bus: Lines 38, 27, 58 (Rue des Ecoles or Odéon stop) and lines 63 et 86 (Cluny stop)

    Parking (charged) is available close to the Campus Parking (entrance from rue de l’école de médecine)

    ncAAs 2024 at a glance

    Time to the meeting
    The 2nd edition of the “Noncanonical amino acids (ncAAs): Tools for Biological and Biophysical Investigations” meeting will be held on October 14th and 15th, 2024 in Paris. The conference is jointly organized by Sorbonne Université and CY Cergy-Paris Université and the GFPP (Groupe Français des Peptides et Protéines – French Peptides Society) will partner with this event.

    This event will be held in Campus des Cordeliers (15 rue de l’Ecole de Médecine, Paris 6e). It will bring together up to 150 participants, chemists and biologists from public and private sectors. The scientific program will span the interface between chemistry and biology, with the participation of prestigious international speakers.
    A considerable part of the congress program will be dedicated to communications presented by young scientists: about 15 oral presentations will be selected from submitted abstracts, and ample space will be available for poster communications. The proceedings of the congress will be published in the form of an abstract book, and partners who agree to sponsor this congress will be acknowledged upfront in this book, as well as on the ncAA website.

    All participants will have to register online. For any enquiry, please contact us:


    Meeting venue
    Meeting program
    Invited speakers
    Abstract submission & guidelines

    Dead lines:

    September 8th for posters & oral communications


    Dead line: Septembre 15th


    Looking forward to seeing you in Paris!

    The organizing committee

    Topics covered by the meeting:
    • Cell Free Expression
    • Amber codon
    • Noncanonical amino acid synthesis
    • Expanded genetic code
    • Auxotrophic strains
    • Protein labeling
    • tRNA synthetase engineering
    • Single molecule imaging
    • Photo-crosslinking

    Organizing committee:
    Dr Grégory CHAUME (CY Cergy Paris Université, FRANCE)
    Dr Maud LARREGOLA (CY Cergy Paris Université, FRANCE)
    Prof Olivier LEQUIN (Sorbonne Université, FRANCE)
    Dr Emeric MICLET (Sorbonne Université, FRANCE)
    Dr Pierre MILBEO (CY Cergy Paris Université, FRANCE)
    Dr Chiara ZANATO (CY Cergy Paris Université, FRANCE)

    ncAAs 2024 Abstract submission & Guidelines

    ncAAs 2024 Abstract submission & Guidelines

    On the basis of the abstracts submitted, the scientific committee will select 15 short presentations (15 min, question includes), giving preference to young researchers (PhD students or PostDocs).

    An ample space will be available for poster communications. Please note that we do not print the posters, but racks & pins will be provided for up to A0 sizes, in portrait format.

    The proceedings of the congress will be published in the form of an abstract book

    Abstract submission


    Please, use the following template to prepare your abstract:

    Template for abstracts ncAAs 2024

    Please name the file as follows: ncAAs 2024_Abstract_YourName


      Previous board committees

      Composition of previous GFPP committees


      Name Surname Specific mission
      Cantel Sonia Newsletter
      Chaume Grégory Vice-president
      Faure Sophie President
      Garanger Elisabeth Secretary/social networks
      Giraud Matthieu Social networks
      Inguimbert Nicolas
      Landon Céline Broadcast list
      Lequin Olivier Treasurer
      Melnyk Oleg French EPS representative, Webmaster
      Milazzo Isabelle
      Sénèque Olivier
      Stefan Loic Webteam
      Tonali Nicolo Webteam

      * With the assistance of Frédéric Bihel to the webteam.


      Name Surname Specific mission
      Aucagne Vincent
      Bihel Fréderic Webmaster
      Cantel Sonia President
      Cavelier Florine French EPS representative
      Chaume Grégory Secretary
      Faure Sophie Newsletter, Broadcast list
      Garanger Elisabeth
      Giraud Matthieu
      Inguimbert Nicolas Vice-president
      Lequin Olivier Treasurer
      Milazzo Isabelle
      Ochsenbein Françoise
      Sénèque Olivier


      Name Surname Specific mission
      Aitken David Vice-president
      Aucagne Vincent President
      Ayoub Mimoun
      Bihel Fréderic Webmaster
      Cantel Sonia
      Cavelier Florine French EPS representative
      Chaume Grégory Secretary
      Colau Arthur Treasurer
      Couve-Bonnaire Samuel
      Faure Sophie
      Garanger Elisabeth
      Miclet Emeric
      Ochsenbein Françoise
      Sénèque Olivier

      CPP2024 Abstract submission & Guidelines

      Cell-Penetrating Peptides: Next generation delivery systems

      Based on the abstracts submitted, the scientific committee will select short presentations (15 min + 5 min questions), giving preference to young researchers (PhD students or PostDocs).
      In addition, the scientific committee will also select flash presentations (1-2 slides with 2 minutes of presentation time) to attract participants to the poster session that will take place directly afterward.
      Please note that we do not print the posters, but racks & pins will be provided for up to A0 sizes, in portrait format.

      CPP2024 Key Dates

      April 30th, 2024 Deadline for oral communication submission
      May 5th, 2024 Deadline for poster submission
      May 5th, 2024 End of registration


      Abstract submission


      Please, use the following template to prepare your abstract:

      Template for abstracts CPP2024

      Please name the file as follows: CPP2024_Abstract_YourName


        We thank our sponsors

        GFPP membership for teams

        GFPP membership for teams

          The aim of this form is to allow research groups, research teams or research units to apply for a GFPP membership FOR FREE.

          Why apply to/Advantages of a GFPP membership:
          1/ access to a network of researchers and develop collaborations
          2/ identify expertise on peptide science, from synthesis to applications
          3/ share knowlegde and know-how
          4/ find experts to take on new challenges
          5/ gain recognition and visibility for our skills and expertise

          By submitting the form, the applicant agrees to see part or all of the information provided published on the GFPP website.

          The submitting person must be the head of the research structure (group, team, research unit).

          Part or all the information provided by filling the form will be published on the GFPP website.

          (*): Required fields.

          The leader of the research structure


          The lab

          Your research activity

          Select in the drop-down menu below the field that characterizes your activity
          First choice

          Select in the drop-down menu below the field that characterizes your activity
          Second choice



          CPP2024 Venue


          Cell-Penetrating Peptides: Next generation delivery systems

          CPP2024 Venue

          Montpellier is close to the Mediterranean Sea, in the south-east of France, in the Hérault department, whose territory is defined as an amphitheater open to the sea, bordered by the Cévennes to the north-east and the Haut-Languedoc to the north-west.

          Montpellier is accessible by:

          – Plane: Airport Montpellier Méditerrannée

          – Train: Station Saint-Roch (in the city center) or Station Montpellier Sud de France (outside of the city)

          Thanks to 4 lines of tramway, ample bus services (line 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 16), taxis, you can go anywhere your heart desires in and around Montpellier.


          The CPP-2024 conference on “Cell-Penetrating peptides: Next generation delivery systems” will be held on June 10-12, 2024, in the Botanical Institute of Montpellier.

          With its four million samples of rare plants kept on six floors, this herbarium is unique in France. Now a property of the University of Montpellier, the collection began with Charles Flahaut in 1889 and then enriched. The oldest pieces may be those of the Chirac collection, the 17th century, or the famous Delile herbarium brought back to Egypt’s campaign in 1798…”

          The Botanical Institute of Montpellier is in the west of Montpellier close to the historic center and is situated at the following address: 163 Rue Auguste Broussonnet, 34090 Montpellier.


          Access via tramway 1 (Station Albert 1er – Saint-Charles) or tramway 4 (Station Albert 1er -Cathedrale)


          Different hotels and accommodations are available in the near. Here a selection of hotels that you can contact:

          Many other hotels of different categories are also available in the city center (near the Place de la Comédie), located only 5 tramway stations (12 min transportation) from the Conference Hall.

          We thank our sponsors

          CPP2024 Registration


          Cell-Penetrating Peptides: Next generation delivery systems

          CPP2024 Key Dates

          Please note that registration at the “Cell-Penetrating Peptides: Next generation delivery systems” conference will be limited to the first 200 attendees

          April 30th, 2024 Deadline for oral communication submission
          May 5th, 2024 Deadline for poster submission
          May 5th, 2024 End of registration


          Registration fees inclue VAT (10%)
          Registration types Fees
          Students / PhDs 165 €
          Academics / PostDocs 275 €
          Private company delegates 330 €


          Registration fees include:

          • Access to all scientific sessions
          • Abstract book
          • Coffee breaks
          • Welcome evening (10 June 2024)
          • Lunch (11 June 2024)
          • Gala buffet (11 June 2024)
          Registration site


          We thank our sponsors

          CPP2024 Invited Speakers

          Cell-Penetrating Peptides: Next generation delivery systems

          CPP2024 Invited Speakers

          Steven F. Dowdy, Ph.D., is Professor of Cellular & Molecular Medicine at UCSD School of Medicine. He received his PhD in Molecular Genetics from the University of California Irvine with Prof. Eric Stanbridge and was a postdoctoral fellow with Prof. Bob Weinberg at the Whitehead Institute, MIT. In 1994, Dr. Dowdy became an Investigator at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and an Assistant Professor at Washington University School of Medicine. He moved his lab to UCSD in 2001. His early research focused on understanding the molecular basis of G1 cell cycle deregulation during oncogenesis by RB, p16, and cyclin:CDK complexes, determining that cyclin D:CDK4 complexes activated RB by mono-phosphorylation. Concurrently, his research also focused on the intracellular delivery of macromolecular therapeutics, including siRNAs, ASOs, peptides, and proteins. His recent work over the last 10+ years has focused on developing new chemistry to tackle the rate-limiting endosomal escape problem that plagues the intracellular delivery of all macromolecular therapeutics. Dr. Dowdy has been advising biotech and pharmaceutical companies for 35 years, he currently sits on five biotech science advisory boards and is co-founder of Clear Skies Bio. He was an elected board member of the Oligonucleotide Therapeutics Society (OTS) and remains on the OTS science advisory board.

          Sarah Jones is a Reader in Pharmacology and a member of the Molecular Pharmacology Research Group at the University of Wolverhampton. For the past 20 years, Sarah’s research has focused on Cell Penetrating Peptides (CPPs) and she has played a major role in the development of bioactive CPPs, bioportides. This has resulted in a paradigm shift from the use of CPPs merely as inert vectors, to their applicability and therapeutic utility as modulators of intracellular protein-protein interactions. Identification of these novel cryptic CPPs within key signaling proteins has resulted in scientific publications regarding the utility of bioportide technology in apoptosis, angiogenesis, and Parkinson’s disease pathophysiology. In 2013, the Molecular Pharmacology Group reported that CPPs readily enter spermatozoa. This development precipitated the subsequent identification of bioportides capable of penetrating human sperm cells to modulate the activities of intracellular proteins that control calcium signaling, motility, and fertilization capacity and as such has laid the foundations for the development of a non-hormonal male contraceptive.

          Hanne Mørck Nielsen´s research is focused on drug delivery of biotherapeutics, mainly peptides. Her work is interdisciplinary and involves designing and characterizing functional excipients and drug delivery systems and understanding their delivery propensity related to interactions with biobarriers such as mucus and epithelia, and how this translates to therapeutic responses. Membrane-interacting peptides, and in particular cell-penetrating peptides, their mode of action, and delivery efficiency have been investigated. Hanne Mørck Nielsen completed her PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences on buccal drug delivery of peptides on research conducted at the Royal Danish School of Pharmacy, Denmark and Leiden/Amsterdam Center for Drug Research, the Netherlands. After a post doc at ETH Zürich, Switzerland working on cell-penetrating peptides, she was employed at the University of Copenhagen and in 2016 promoted to full Professor in Biopharmaceuticals – Drug Design and Delivery. She is Director of the BioDelivery Center and the Drug Delivery and Biophysics of Biopharmaceuticals group at Department of Pharmacy, University of Copenhagen.

          Meritxell Teixidó holds a PhD in Organic Chemistry from the University of Barcelona (UB) and an eMBA in Entrepreneurship, Innovation and International Business from UOC. At a scientific level, her field is the synthesis of peptides and the discovery of peptides capable of crossing biological barriers and she was responsible for this research line at the IRB Barcelona for more than 15 years, where she co-directed 10 doctoral theses, published more than 50 articles and participated in 7 patents.

          After dedicating more than 15 years to biomedical research at IRB Barcelona, trying to improve the arrival of drugs to the brain by crossing the blood-brain barrier that protects it. She decided to jump more barriers and be the CEO/CSO of Gate2Brain SL. in order to bring technology closer to patients, a challenge and an honor. Jumping barriers is perhaps the common thread that describes her, combining science and innovation with a new vision on leadership, for which she received the Spanish Woman Startup Award 2022 – Inspiration.

          Kaido Kurrikoff focuses his research on drug delivery methods, nucleic acid therapeutics, and nucleic acid diagnostics. His background from the PhD studies is Neuroscience and animal models for CNS-related pathologies. Currently, he is exploring the possibilities of developing CPP-based carrier systems for delivering macromolecular therapeutics. He is focused on development nucleic acid delivery methods through in vivo preclinical models, mainly using cancer gene therapy.

          Tamas A. Martinek was born in Szeged, Hungary, in 1973. After obtaining his MSc in Chemistry from University of Szeged, Hungary, in 1996, he earned his PhD degree at the same university in 2001 under the supervision of Ferenc Fülöp and with the guidance of Frank G. Riddell at the University of St. Andrews, UK. He is full professor and the head of the Department of Medical Chemistry, Albert Szent-Györgyi Medical School, University of Szeged. He started his independent career in the field of peptidic foldamers focusing on their controlled secondary and tertiary structures. He is currently active in the field of biomimetic self-organizing systems and their applications in drug discovery: endocytotic cell penetration, antimicrobial foldamers, modulation of protein-protein interactions, light-fueled peptidic replicators.

          Astrid Walrant did her PhD in Paris, at the Laboratoire des Biomolecules, Pierre et Marie Curie University, under the supervision of Isabel Alves and Sandrine Sagan, between 2008 and 2011. Her Ph.D. work focused on the analysis of peptide/membrane interactions in the context of cell-penetrating peptides.

          In 2012, Dr Walrant joined Jenny Gallop’s group at the Gurdon Institute, Cambridge University, as a postdoctoral research fellow. I worked on the regulation of actin polymerization by lipid membranes. My work focused on the regulatory role of certain phosphoinositides, membrane curvature, and curvature-inducing proteins.

          In 2014, Dr. Walrant came back to Paris and joined the Laboratoire des Biomolecules as Assistant Professor attached to the Chemistry Faculty. Her research focuses on the analysis of the mechanism of action of membrane-active peptides (cell-penetrating, antimicrobial, viral…) at a molecular level, using biophysical approaches.

          Ines Neundorf studied chemistry at the Universities of Freiburg and Leipzig and obtained her diploma in chemistry at the University of Leipzig in 2001. In 2003, she completed her doctorate in organic chemistry there. She then did her Habilitation in Leipzig in the group of Professor Dr. Annette Beck-Sickinger (Venia Legendi in Bioorganic Chemistry). In 2011, during the completion of her Habilitation, she accepted the offer of a junior professorship (with tenure track) in biochemistry at the University of Cologne’s Institute of Biochemistry. In 2016, she was tenured as W2 Professor of Biochemistry. Since 2022, she has been Vice-Dean for Equality, Diversity and Early-Career Researchers at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. She is a member of the University of Cologne’s Advisory Board for Equal Opportunities and since October 2023 she is Vice-Rector for Academic Career and Staff Development.
          Her main research interests are in the fields of bioactive peptides, such as: antimicrobial peptides, cell-penetrating peptides, organelle targeting sequences, peptide synthesis and modification, peptides in tumor diagnosis and therapy. Her research results have been published in numerous peer-reviewed journals, and she is co-author of >90 peer-reviewed publications and 4 book chapters. Ines Neundorf is an associate editor of Scientific Reports and since 2013, she has been a member of the Max-Bergmann-Kreis e.V., a network promoting research work in peptide chemistry in Germany, Switzerland and Austria.


          Tõnis Lehto is Research Fellow at University of Tartu, Estonia. Tõnis Lehto is a dedicated researcher who defended his PhD in Stockholm University 2018 where he studied nucleic acid delivery with fatty acid modified cell-penetrating peptides (PepFects).

          After PhD, his research focus turned to developing scalable microfluidic technologies for formulating RNA therapeutics into precisely defined nanoparticles with novel hydrophobically modified peptides called hPeps.

          Currently, he is working on bridging the gap between peptide-based and lipid nanoparticles (LNPs), both in terms of formulation technology and therapeutic applications.


          Christian Widmann received his MSc in biology in 1986. He obtained his PhD at the Biochemistry Institute of the University of Lausanne in 1991 under the supervision of Giampietro Corradin. He then worked on the GLP1 receptor as a post-doctoral fellow in the laboratory of Bernard Thorens until 1995. Christian obtained a fellowship from the Swiss National Science Foundation in 1996 to move to the laboratory of Gary L. Johnson at the National Jewish Medical and Research Center in Denver, Colorado, where he worked as a research associate on MAPK pathways until 1998. In 1999, he moved back to Europe and started his own research group at the University Hospital in Lausanne. In 2002, he got an assistant professor position at the Department of Cell Biology and Morphology at the University of Lausanne.

          Since 2006, he is an associate professor at the Department of Physiology of the University of Lausanne (now Department of Biomedical Sciences). The first wave of his research was centered on the regulation of cellular stress and how a better understanding of these mechanisms at the molecular level could lead to the development of therapeutic compounds to treat various diseases such as cancer, microbial infections, and diabetes. The current focus of his laboratory is on the mechanisms of entry of cell permeable peptides

          We thank our sponsors


          Nouveaux élus 2023

          François Hallé
          Assistant Professor in Medicinal Chemistry
          Equipe COSSBA – UMR 5246 ICBMS
          Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1
          ISPB – Faculté de Pharmacie
          Bat. Rockefeller, 4ème étage, couloir A
          8, avenue Rockefeller
          F-69373 LYON cedex 8
          François Hallé
          Prisca Boisguérin
          Newsletter and broadcast list
          Director of research at CNRS
          INSERM U1046 – CNRS UMR 9214
          Université de Montpellier
          CHU Arnaud de Villeneuve
          371 Av. Doyen Giraud
          34295 Montpellier Cedex 5/FRANCE
          Baptiste Legrand
          Newsletter and broadcast list
          Institut des Biomolécules Max Mousseron (IBMM)
          UMR CNRS 5247, Université de Montpellier (UM)
          Pôle Chimie Balard Recherche
          1919, route de Mende
          34293 MONTPELLIER cedex 5
          Phone: +33 (0)4 48 79 21 85
          Maud Larregola
          Associate Professor
          CY Cergy Paris Université
          Laboratoire BioCIS UMR-CNRS-8076, Equipe de Chimie Biologique
          5 mail Gay-Lussac – Neuville-sur-Oise
          95031 Cergy-Pontoise cedex
          Phone: +33 (0)1 34 25 73 88


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