TitleDuration (months)Contact
City, countryDeadline for submitting (day/month/year)Job description
Postdoc in academiaLuminescent lanthanide complexes for live cell microscopy12Dr. Olivier Sénèque-CEA/LCBM (Laboratoire de Chimie et Biologie des Métaux), UMR5249Grenoble, France25/02/2025
ATER (Temporary teaching and research assistant) in academiaSynthèse de substrats peptidiques innovants permettant de détecter, marquer et isoler une D-peptidase12Pr. Nicolas InguimbertCentre de Recherche et Observatoire de l'Environnement (CRIOBE), UAR 3278Perpignan, France12/03/2025
Maitre de conférence (permanent position) in academiaCNU 64-65 -
Biochimie/Biologie Moléculaire
CDIDr. Thierry Tron-Aix Marseille Université - Institut des Sciences Moléculaires de Marseille (ISM2)Marseille, France30/03/2025

Prof. Helen McCarthy

School of Pharmacy, Quenn’s University – UK

“Therapeutic Nucleic Acid Vaccinations: RALA peptide-mediated gene delivery via dissolving microneedles

Prof McCarthy’s research team have focused on the development of non-viral delivery systems for nanomedicine applications in the School of Pharmacy. These biomimetic peptide systems are designed to overcome the extra and intracellular barriers, so that the macromolecular payload can be delivered at the destination site in order to exert the optimal therapeutic effect. Helen has designed and patented three delivery systems. Current research projects involve gene therapy for metastatic deposits; miRNA therapeutics for oncology and wound healing applications; mRNA and DNA vaccination strategies; and regeneration of bone by increasing the bioavailability of ceramics. The wide-spread utility of these delivery systems has led to a spin-out company Phion Therapeutics We currently have two internal projects funded by Innovate UK, several commercial partners, one of which includes Cell and Gene Therapy Catapult for ex vivo applications of our technology.


How to get to the symposium

Vue satellite de Montpellier

Montpellier is close to the Mediterranean Sea, in the south-east of the  Hérault department, whose territory is defined as an amphitheater open to the sea, bordered by the Cévennes to the north-east and the Haut-Languedoc to the north-west.



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Montpellier is accessible by:

– Plane: Airport Montpellier Méditerrannée

– Train: Station Saint-Roch (in the city center) or Station Montpellier Sud de France (outside of the city)

Thanks to 4 lines of tramway, ample bus services (line 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 16) taxis, you can go anywhere your heart desires in and around Montpellier. Please note that a three days transportation ticket will be kindly provided in the Conference package. Just pay for the first ride.



The CPP-2020 conference on “Cell-Penetrating peptides: Next generation delivery systems” will be held on April 27-29, 2020, in Montpellier at the Maison des étudiants – Aimé Shoenig – Espace Richter.

The “Maison des étudiants” is in the east of Montpellier near the border of the river “Lez” and is situated at the following address:

Rue Vendémiaire, 34000 Montpellier (Google map)

Access via tramway 1 (Station Rives du Lez) or tramway 3 (Station Port Marianne)

Different hotels and accommodations are available in the near.

  • Hôtel Mercure Montpellier Centre Antigone (
  • Hôtel Courtyard (com)
  • Hotel Suite Novotel Montpellier (
  • Le Strasbourg hôtel (

Many others hotels of different categories are also available in the city center (near the Place de la Comédie), located only 5 tramway stations (12 min transportation) from the Conference Hall.

Abstract submission to the CPP-2020

NEW DEADLINE for submitting an abstract for oral communication:

March 7th, 2020

Deadline for submitting an abstract for poster communication: March 31th, 2020


Please upload your abstract during the registration or send it before the deadline to the organizing comittee.


The number of oral presentations is limited, scientific committee will process a selection and confirm your presentation a.s.a.p.

Please note that we do not print the posters, but racks & pins will be provided for up to A0 sizes, portrait format.

Please download the template for abstract submission.


Registration to the CPP-2020

Regarding the worldwide situation about the COVID-19, we are sorry to announce that the conference “Cell-penetrating peptides: Next generation delivery systems” will be postponed.

 The new dates for the conference will be
from Monday 5th to Wednesday 7th October 2020.

Registration is open


Key Dates:

February 29th, 2020: deadline for oral communication submission

March 31th, 2020: deadline for poster submission.

March 31th, 2020: end of registration.

Registration types

Registration Fees

Students / PhDs


Academics / PostDocs


Private company delegates




Registration fees include:

  • Access to all scientific sessions
  • Abstract book
  • Coffee breaks
  • Welcome evening (27 April 2020)
  • Lunch (28 April 2020)
  • Gala dinner (28 April 2020) with a contribution to the cost of 20€/person
  • 3-days ticket for the tram in Montpellier

Compliance leader, Corden Pharma Brussels

The Compliance Leader will be working as part of the Corden Pharma Brussels Quality Assurance Department and ensure that the products are manufactured, stored and packaged in accordance with cGMP regulation. The Compliance Leader will be working as part of the Quality Unit on site ensuring products are manufactured, stored and packaged in accordance with the cGMP. Under the direction of the Head of Quality, he/she will be in charge to improve continuously the Quality system regarding the cGMP requirements. He/She will be a QA support in case of quality issues and problem solving techniques to assure the successful outcomes of company and external Health Authority. He/She will be in direct contact with our customer in case of qualification audit, QA complaint issues and other quality topics. The Compliance Leader is reporting to the Head of Quality.


MedChem 2019 – Peptide Drug Discovery: a Niche Area ?

November 22, 2019 | Brussels, Belgium

The objective of the event is to discuss the multifaceted therapeutic potential of peptides. Topics such as peptidomimetics and macrocycles, protein-protein interactions, peptide shuttles, chemical ligation and main aspects of peptide synthesis will be tackled.

The confirmed speakers are:

Linkers for Peptide Conjugation
Prof. Fernando Albericio, University of Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa
Synthetic Immune System Engagers – a Peptide-based Approach to Immune-oncology
Prof. Christian Becker, University of Vienna, Austria
From Structure to Function: Peptide Recognition at G Protein-coupled Receptors
Dr Anette Kaiser, University of Leipzig, Germany
Macrocyclization as an Enabling Tool Toward Novel Peptide Drug Candidates
Prof. Eric Marsault, University of Sherbrooke, Canada
Targeting Receptor Complexes: A New Dimension in Drug Discovery
Prof. Kristian Strømgaard, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Gate2Brain, Opening the Gate to CNS Therapies
Dr Meritxell Teixido, Institute for Research in Biomedicine, Spain

All participants are invited to submit abstracts for scientific communications. Out of the submitted proposals, 3 Oral Communications will be selected. The other accepted abstracts will get the opportunity to be presented as Posters.

Submission deadline: October 10, 2019

More information is available on


Department of Chemistry Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

 « Title to be announced »


Closing lecture

Symposium location

Orléans is located 110 km north of Paris. There is regular trains from Paris Austerlitz station and from Tours train station (both around 1 h travel), as well as direct shuttles from the two Paris airports (Orly and Roissy-Charles de Gaulles).

The conference venue is unique. Located right next to the Orléans’ cathedral, the episcopal palace of Orléans, built between 1635 and 1641, locally known as the Hôtel Dupanloup, is a classical French building which served until 1905 of residence to the bishops of Orléans.  Since 2014, the renewed palace hosts the International University Center for Research and Le Studium Loire Valley Institute for Advanced Studies.

Participants will be welcomed in this exceptional surrounding, blending Middle Age and Renaissance cultures with modern design and will have the opportunity to discover French cuisine and wines.

Venue adress: 1, rue Dupanloup – 45000 ORLEANS – FR

Hôtel Dupanloup is 10 min walk from Orléans train station. Alternatively, you can take tram A to De Gaulle station then tram B to Cathédrale-Hôtel de Ville station.

List of recommended hotels in Orléans  

Organizing and Scientific Comittees

Organizing committee:

  • Dr Vincent AUCAGNE
CNRS Center for Molecular Biophysics (CBM), Orléans, France


  • Sophie GABILLET, General Secretary
  • Dr Aurélien MONTAGU, Scientific Relations Manager
  • Maurine VILLIERS, Events Projects Officer
Le STUDIUM Loire Valley Institute for Advanced Studies, Orléans, France


Scientific committee:

  • Dr Vincent AUCAGNE
  • Dr Agnès DELMAS

CNRS Center for Molecular Biophysics (CBM), Orléans, France


Please note that participation is limited to 120 people. Registration will be on a first-come, first-serve basis.


Key Dates:

November 18th, 2019 : deadline for oral communication submission

December 2nd, 2019 : deadline for poster submission. January 20th, 2020 : end of registration.  

Registration types Registration Fees
PhD student 75 €
Academic delegate 180 €
Private company delegate 250 €

Registration fees include :

•Access to all scientific sessions
• Abstract book
• Coffee breaks
• Guided visit of the city center of Orléans
• Two lunches
• Wine and cheese on Monday evening

Abstract submission


Deadline for submitting an abstract for oral communication ended on November 18th, 2019, and the oral communication selection process is now over (see the selected oral communications at the bottom of the page) .

Deadline for submitting an abstract for poster communication has been postponed to January 17th, 2020

Please upload your abstract during the registration or send it before the deadline to 

Note that we do not print the posters, but racks & pins will be provided for up to A0 sizes, portrait format.

Please download the template for poster presentation.    


List of the oral communications selected from the submitted abstracts:

Name Organisation Country Abstract title
Dr Elisabeth Garanger University of Bordeaux France Expanding the toolbox of chemoselective modifications of protein-like polymers at methionyl residues
Dr Gosuke Hayashi Nagoya University Japan Chemical synthesis of histone proteins through novel ligation strategies
Dr Samir Messaoudi Paris-Sud University France Synthesis of aryl-thioglycopeptides through chemoselective Pd-mediated conjugation
Dr Pierre Milbeo Trinity College of Dublin Ireland Development of Novel Thiol-ene Mediated Peptide Ligation Strategies 
Dr Elisabetta Mileo Aix-marseille University France Nitroxide-based spin tags coupled to EPR spectroscopy: investigation of protein structural dynamics in vitro and inside cells
Dr Laia Miret Casals Ghent University Belgium Furan crosslink technology: from in vitro analysis of peptide-protein interactions to GPCR-ligand interactions on live cells
Dr Somnath Mukherjee University of Vienna Austria Impact of site-specific non-enzymatic posttranslational modification on the structure-activity attributes of human Hsp27
Dr Kevin Neumann ETH Zurich Switzerland Cyanosulfurylide as a protecting group for carboxylic acid during peptide synthesis
Dr Marina Rubini University College Dublin Ireland Semisynthetic approaches for studying post-translational modifications
Mrs Rebecca Schäfer ETH Zurich Switzerland The Bioorthogonal Isonitrile-Chlorooxime Ligation
Mr Ruben Tomás University of Warwick UK Controlling Synthetic Polymer Ligation to Metabolically Labelled Cellular Interfaces to Introduce Non-native Functionality. 
Prof Ping Wang Shanghai Jiao Tong University China Histidine-Specific Peptide Modification via Visible-Light-Promoted C-H Alkylation

Meeting programme


  • 12:30    Welcome lunch and registration
  • 14:00    Official opening
  • 14:20    Prof. Matthew Francis – Protein-Protein Coupling Using Enzymatic Oxidative Coupling Reactions
  • 15:00    Dr Sébastien Gouin – From the design of an antibacterial glycoconjugate to the development of a chemoselective bioconjugation method for tyrosine.
  • 15:20    Dr Elisabetta Mileo – Nitroxide-based spin tags coupled to EPR spectroscopy: investigation of protein structural dynamics in vitro and inside cells
  • 15:40    Ruben Tomás – Controlling Synthetic Polymer Ligation to Metabolically Labelled Cellular Interfaces to Introduce Non-native Functionality
  • 15:50    Coffee Break + Poster session 1
  • 16:30    Dr Vladimir Torbeev – Making order out of disordered proteins
  • 17:00    Dr Olivier Sénèque – How chemoselective ligations make the design of peptide-based responsive luminescent probes easier
  • 17:30    Dr Somnath Mukherjee – Impact of site-specific non-enzymatic posttranslational modification on the structure-activity attributes of human Heat Shock Protein 27 (Hsp27)
  • 17:50    Dr Elisabeth Garanger – Expanding the toolbox of chemoselective modifications of protein-like polymers at methionyl residues
  • 18:00    Coffee Break
  • 18:30     Public lecture in French: Dr Denis Servent – Venins, du poison au médicament


  • 08:45    Welcome coffee
  • 09:00    Prof. Lutz Ackermann – C─H Activation as an Transformative Tool for Late-stage Diversification of Biomolecules
  • 09:40    Dr Samir Messaoudi – Synthesis of aryl-thioglycopeptides through chemoselective Pd-mediated conjugation
  • 10:00    Rebecca Schäfer – The Bioorthogonal Isonitrile-Chlorooxime Ligation
  • 10:10    Coffee Break + Poster session 2
  • 11:10    Dr Didier Boturyn – Design of RGD peptide conjugates for imaging and therapeutic applications
  • 11:50    Prof. Beat Fierz – Synthetic and single-molecule exploration of the dynamic chromatin landscape
  • 12:20    Lunch
  • 13:30    Dr Frédéric Taran – Recent advances in fast, bioorthogonal ligation reactions
  • 14:10    Dr Cyrille Sabot – From organic methodology to the development of chemoselective ligations
  • 14:40    Dr Laia Miret Casals – Furan crosslink technology: from in vitro analysis of peptide-protein interactions to GPCR-ligand interactions on live cells
  • 15:00    Dr Pierre Milbeo – Development of Novel Thiol-ene Mediated Peptide Ligation Strategies
  • 15:20    Dr Gosuke Hayashi – Chemical synthesis of histone proteins through novel ligation strategies
  • 15:40    Coffee Break + Poster session 3
  • 16:20    Prof. Carlo Unverzagt – Merging Chemistries for the Synthesis and Evaluation of Homogenous Glycoproteins
  • 17:00   Dr Kevin Neumann – Cyanosulfurylide as a protecting group for carboxylic acid during peptide synthesis
  • 17:20    Prof. Wenshe Liu – Phage-Encoded Noncanonical Amino Acids for Drug Discovery
  • 17:40    Guided visit of Orléans town center


  • 08:45    Welcome coffee
  • 09:00    Dr Oleg Melnyk – A cysteine selenosulfide redox switch for protein chemical synthesis
  • 09:40    Dr Fabienne Burlina – Extending chemical ligation for the synthesis of proteins: Application to NEMO ubiquitylation
  • 10:10   Dr Marina Rubini – Semisynthetic approaches for studying post-translational modifications
  • 10:30    Coffee Break
  • 11:00    Dr Barbara Bernardim – Title to be announced
  • 11:20    Prof. Alexander Dömling – Multicomponent reaction chemistry: From novel small molecules to automated nano chemistry to stapled peptides
  • 12:00    Official closing
  • 12:10     Farewell cocktail



Meeting presentation

The symposium entitled:

Challenges and prospects in chemoselective ligations: from protein synthesis to site-specific conjugation

have been held in Orléans (France), from Monday 27th to Wednesday 29th January 2020.

This three-day international conference was jointly organized by LE STUDIUM Loire Valley Institute for Advanced Studies and the Centre for Molecular Biophysics – CNRS Orléans. This event was held under the auspices of the French Peptide and Protein Group (GFPP) and followed three previous editions (Paris 2001, Lille 2008 and 2016) of short international meetings dedicated to chemical ligation. The official language of this meeting is English.

Recent years have seen an exponentially growing interest in chemical reactions enabling the selective modification of proteins and peptides. These advances are intimately linked to the development of methodologies for protein engineering with an atomic precision, for the generation of well-defined antibody-drug conjugates or on-demand probes to decipher biological processes. Such chemoselective reactions are also widely utilized for the total synthesis and semi-synthesis of proteins through chemical ligation of unprotected peptide fragments, an approach highly complementary to recombinant production. The chemical reactions implemented for both purposes share the same requirements: compatibility with dilute aqueous solution at physiological pH, and tolerance to the myriad functional groups commonly found in biomolecules. These remarkable features inspired the advent of bioorthogonal reactions, which can be carried out in living systems.

Sixteen invited speakers have accepted our invitation and covered the different aspects of these multidisciplinary fields, from methodology development to biological applications. In addition, contributions selected from submitted abstracts have been presented as oral communication and poster.


Forthcoming thematic days organized under the auspices of GFPP

Please find below the finalized speaker list, after a couple of last minute changes.

Preliminary Program – Update

Regarding the worldwide situation about the COVID-19, we are sorry to announce that the conference “Cell-penetrating peptides: Next generation delivery systems” will be postponed.

 The new dates for the conference will be
from Monday 5th to Wednesday 7th October 2020.

Monday April 27th

14:00 – 14:30 Opening
14:30 – 15:15 Sarah Jones (UK)

“Spermatozoa and Schmidtea mediterranea as alternative models for the evaluation of CPPs and bioportides: Progress towards a non-hormonal male contraceptive and generation of a novel CPP.”

15:15 – 15:40 Christopher Aisenbrey (France)

“The LAH4 system for DNA delivery: The metamorphosis of a model peptide to a medical tool”

15:40 – 16:10 Coffee break
16:10 – 16:35 Hellen O McCarthy (Northern Ireland)

“Therapeutic Nucleic Acid Vaccinations: RALA peptide-mediated gene delivery via dissolving microneedles”

16:35– 18:00 5 short talks (10 min + 2 questions)
18:15 Poster session 1
19:00 Welcome cocktail

Thuesday April 28th

9:30 – 10:15 Pu Chen (Canada) (to be announced)
10:15 – 10:55 Ines Neundorf (Germany)

“Towards the design and biological activity of cell-permeable peptide-drug conjugates”

10:55 – 11:25 Coffee break
11:25 – 12:10 3 short talks (10 min + 2 questions)
12:10-14:30 Lunch
14:30 – 15:15 Meritxell Teixido (Spain)

“Blood-Brain Barrier Shuttle Peptides, From Discovery to Applications”

15:15 – 15:40 Diana Costa (Portugal)

“Exploring the potential of peptide-plasmid DNA vectors for gene delivery in cancer therapy”

15:40 – 17:00 Coffee break + Poster session 2
17:00 – 18:00 4 short talks (10 min + 2 questions)

Wednesday April 29th

9:30 – 10:15 Henry David Herce (USA)

“Cell-Penetrating Peptides: From molecular mechanisms to therapeutic applications”

10:15 – 10:40 Astrid Walrant (France)

“Contributions of PIP2 to Penetratin internalization biophysical and affinity photocrosslinking approaches”

10:40 – 11:10 Coffee break
11:10 – 11:40 2 short talks (10 min + 2 questions)
11:40 – 12:05 Kaido Kurrikoff (Estonia)

“Delivery of Therapeutic Nucleic Acid with CPPs – Development Towards Mammalian Models and Applications in Biotechnology”

12:05 – 12:15 Closing remarks


Dr Sarah Jones

Faculty of Pharmacy University of Wolverhampton – UK

“Spermatozoa and Schmidtea mediterranea as alternative models for the evaluation of CPPs and bioportides: Progress towards a non-hormonal male contraceptive and generation of a novel CPP

Dr Sarah Jones is a Reader in Pharmacology and a member of the Molecular Pharmacology Research Group at the University of Wolverhampton. For the past 20 years, Sarah’s research has focussed on Cell Penetrating Peptides (CPPs) and she has played a major role in the development of bioactive CPPs, bioportides. This has resulted in a paradigm shift from the use of CPPs merely as inert vectors, to their applicability and therapeutic utility as modulators of intracellular protein-protein interactions. Identification of these novel cryptic CPPs within key signalling proteins has resulted in scientific publications regarding the utility of bioportide technology in apoptosis, angiogenesis and Parkinson’s disease pathophysiology. In 2013, the Molecular Pharmacology Group reported that CPPs readily enter spermatozoa. This development precipitated the subsequent identification of bioportides capable of penetrating human sperm cells to modulate the activities of intracellular proteins that control calcium signalling, motility and fertilisation capacity and as such has laid the foundations for the development of a non-hormonal male contraceptive.


Dr Meritxell Teixidó

Institute for Research in Biomedicine IRB Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology – Spain

“Blood-Brain Barrier Shuttle Peptides, From Discovery to Applications

Dr. Teixidó’s major interests are in the field of peptide synthesis and the discovery of peptide shuttles able to reach the brain and increase the transport of a wide range of cargoes including drugs, nanoparticles or diagnostic agents. With this aim, she is developing a toolbox of protease resistant BBB-shuttle peptides, mass spectrometry techniques and transport evaluation tools to be used to discover new shuttles that will improve the delivery of cargoes to the brain.

Meritxell Teixidó has published around 50 scientific articles and reviews and she has participated in 7 patents. In 2007 she won the American Peptide Idol first prize at the 20th American Peptide Symposium in Montreal, Canada. Since 2010 she is the national representative in the European Peptide Society Council and Chairperson of the next 36th EPS (European Peptide Symposium) and 12th IPS (International Peptide Symposium) (Barcelona, Sept 2020).

Dr. Teixidó has presented various oral communications in national and international scientific meetings. She has co-directed 8 doctoral theses. During her career, she has participated in several research projects founded by different national and international agencies and different patient associations. Together with Ernest Giralt she is principal investigator in the I+D project from MINECO: Peptides as therapeutic agents: modulation of protein-protein interactions and brain delivery.

In addition she has participated in various collaborations with industry (Menarini Laboratories, Farmhispania, Pharmamar, Cancer Research Technology, Zyentia Ltd., Janssen, Bioingenium, L’Oreal). More recently and through the initiatives such as Llavor, Producte, MAP-EADA and XXI Fòrum d’Inversió ACCIÓ, she has gain training and expertise in the Biotech Entrepreneur Arena.


Dr Kaido Kurrikoff

Institute for Technology University of Tartu – Estonia

“Delivery of Therapeutic Nucleic Acid with CPPs – Development Towards Mammalian Models and Applications in Biotechnology

Kaido Kurrikoff is a researcher at the Institute of Technology, University of Tartu, Estonia. He acquired his PhD degree (Neurosciences) at the University of Tartu, in 2009, focusing in the field of neurochemistry, psychopharmacology, and behavioral neurosciences. He did his postdoctoral training in Stockholm University, working under the supervision of Prof Ülo Langel, who is one of the founders of the field of cell penetrating peptides (CPP).

His main research interests are related to development of nucleic acid delivery systems and applications of drug delivery vectors in vivo. Thus he has worked with various models of cancer, lung diseases and trans-BBB delivery. He is also involved in development of CPP-based transfection methods, applicable in mammalian cell factories for the production of therapeutic proteins.


Prof. Ines Neundorf

Institute for Biochemistry University of Cologne – Germany

“Towards the design and biological activity of cell-permeable peptide-drug conjugates

Prof. Dr. Ines Neundorf studied chemistry at the Universities of Freiburg and Leipzig. 2003 she obtained her PhD in Organic Chemistry (Leipzig University) and afterwards joined the group of Prof. A. G. Beck-Sickinger (Institute of Biochemistry, Leipzig University). 2011 she was appointed as Juniorprofessor for Biochemistry at the Institute for Biochemistry, University of Cologne, and since 2016 she is full professor at the same Institute.

Her main research interests are in the fields of membrane-active peptides, with a focus on cell-penetrating and antimicrobial peptides. Particularly, the use of chemical methods to tune cell selectivity of these peptides or to reach specific intracellular targets, as well as the synthesis and application of peptide-drug conjugates, are main topics in her group.


Dr Henry D. Herce

Dana-Farber Cancer Institute & Harvard Medical School Boston, Massachusetts, USA

“Cell-Penetrating Peptides: From molecular mechanisms to therapeutic applications

My interest centers on transforming peptides into cell-permeable in vivo active therapeutic compounds and the design of molecular tools to validate their activity in vitro and in vivo. I combine multidisciplinary theoretical and experimental methods to understand the mechanisms of uptake of cell-penetrating peptides and tackle this property to design cell-permeable therapeutic peptides. As an undergraduate I studied physics in Argentina (Institute Balseiro), obtained a PhD in physics in US (North Carolina State University), as a postdoc I trained on bioinformatics in US (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute) and on Biology in Germany (Technische Universität Darmstadt). During this time I focused on arginine-rich cell-penetrating peptides. Currently I am at Harvard Medical School and Dana-Farber Cancer Institute developing therapeutic cell-permeable stapled peptides.


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